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Thursday, September 30, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

I am entering my fourth month as a student at Full Sail University.  As an EMDT student I have experienced a swath of emotions.  The learning curve have been unforgiving and the course work should be called "time management testing".  I have become very dependent on my team members and fellow classmates at Full Sail University.  Below I have listed 5 of the URLs I plan to use throughout my development.
1. The ~Professional Learning Network for Music Teachers is interesting because it is an area that isn't a part of the team meetings.  Music educators have to collaborate remotely many times an this site will allow for focused discussions and ideas to be explored for me and other educators of music

2. Technology integration is an important part of Edutopia.  There are many important subjects for the cutting edge educator to explore at this website. I hope to use it as a resource for my action research and for future lessons.
3. The MENC or the Music Educators National Conference is a nationwide organization that promotes and develops many aspects of teaching music in the United States. They have established standards that are adhered to by school music programs in almost every state.  As a member I look for their support and knowledge concerning many legal and academic issues when I question my understanding of common practices and unique situations.
4. The Wired magazine on the web has a vast outlook on technology and its uses.  As educators learn to use the current technology tools along comes another fad that works faster and better and all the students know how to use it.  This is where I will find such gadgets in order to figure out if and how I can use them in my ,classroom.

5. The whiteboard technology is the new chalk board and it is not messy. No student need help clean the erasers. I have managed to get a Promethean Board in my classroom.  I have wanted to include my music technology lessons using the Promethean Board and now I have been told by fellow colleagues that once you have a great lesson it can be uploaded and used and shared by other teachers. I will follow this website for updates, tutorials and research.


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